Why a Girls’ School?

Our girls are known as wonderful individuals who each create an important part of a warm, friendly school.

We know girls need to feel comfortable to learn at their best, so we do all we can to ensure your daughter is happy and settled at school.  We don’t just know each girl in the Prep School by her name, we also know what her strengths and weaknesses are, who her friends are and what makes her tick. We help her find her opportunities to shine.

We help our girls to fulfil their potential whilst encouraging them to have pride in who they are.

Studies show in a mixed classroom it is easy for girls to be passive learners. The teachers encourage them to take the easy option and allow their louder and more assertive classmates to answer. Our teaching and learning ethos is designed to meet the needs of girls and so they are all busy active learners. We celebrate the uniqueness and individuality of all our girls. We give them room to be who they want to be with no boundaries or notions of what girls should or shouldn’t do. They are free from the worry of what others will think and this helps them enjoy their childhood for longer.

Our girls are nurtured and given space to grow whilst at the same time challenged to spread their wings and soar, like our emblem, the skylark .

Many girls have a perfectionist tendency and are so consumed with the fear of making mistakes they become totally risk averse. We have developed a growth mindset culture across the school that helps our girls embrace mistakes as evidence they are learning rather than see them as something has gone wrong.  As we see their confidence grow, we encourage our girls to step into new challenges and experiences that will take them out of their comfort zones.

Our girls are interesting and interested; they are fun and love to learn!

Our girls are excited to come to school and keen to get involved. The lessons are well paced and stimulating.  As they are specialists, our teachers are delivering the subjects they are genuinely interested by.
Thanks to our girls’ excellent behaviour, little time is wasted on unnecessary interruptions to learning. Focus is easy when all those around you want to learn as much as you do!

Our girls have a balanced curriculum and rise to our ambitious expectations both creatively and academically.

Our girls work hard and do their best, regardless of the level they are working at. They are stretched and challenged according to the stage they are, at not the age they are.  Our girls know the value of growing a little every day and are rightfully proud of their achievements.  This ethos results in many of our girls going on to secure both academic and creative scholarships to leading secondary schools.

Our girls are self-assured.  They don’t push others aside but step up with confidence encouraging others to do the same.

As our girls move into the upper years of the Prep School, their level of maturity and empathy is impressive. They readily celebrate their peers’ successes and openly congratulate them. Right from the start of Nursery our girls are encouraged to share their ideas with others. By the time a girl leaves us, she will have spoken to an audience of 100+ at least thirty times.  All of our girls take on the responsibility of leadership and by Year 6 they are confidently leading assemblies and managing special events for themselves.

Open Mornings 20th & 21st March 2025

Our next Open Mornings are on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st March 2025.

To register CLICK HERE

If you would like to arrange a tour for another day please contact Mrs Gillam at sgillam@chpschool.co.uk or call 01923 772101.